Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Common Predatory Lending Schemes

For many borrowers, especially poorly informed, loan documents can be difficult to understand. Legal jargon, small print, and pages and pages of confusing documentation may be submitted for signature immediately. Often in a hurry to finish off not allowed to read the documents. What is the solution to the borrower? One proposal is that the attorney review all documents before signing, or to obtain a credit counselor or other expert to review them. But borrowers should educate as much as possible and try to detect fraud before it's too late.

There are a number of common predatory lending schemes to be identified by the borrowers. First there is equity skimming. Equity skimming involves lenders make different types of loans that the borrower will not be able to make monthly payments and thus setting him or her to foreclosure. The borrower loses everything, including home equity to it. Home improvement scams and loan flipping are also forms of equity skimming. Fraud in Home Improvement, lenders and contractors from illegal profits, and loan flipping involves the financing of a property on several occasions.

Borrowers whose debt too high relative to income is the target of extreme ready. With conventional loans guidelines suggest no more than 28% of revenues must go to pay the mortgages of borrowers in danger is extreme. If the borrower is triggered, a job is lost, or experience unexpected expenses due to injury or illness, the risk of exclusion is high due to the high percentage of the revenue needed only for the mortgage. The following are the most common indicators of predatory lending:

1) borrowers program director of broadband

2) Falsely identify the loans or mortgages of credit opened

3) The members of the high-cost loans, excessive fees

4) Falsifying loan documents

5) provide loans to owners of mental

6) forged signatures on loan documents

7) Changing loan terms at closing

8) Requiring credit insurance

9) Increase in penalty interest rates

10) Charging excessive penalties for early payment

11) If you have a good payment history of the borrower's credit history

12) Failure to provide the loan balance and gain accurate information

Aggressive loan costs the borrower in many ways. While it is understandable that the borrower would pay a higher risk rate of interest than someone with good credit, it's always forcing borrowers to pay more than they would for a typical transaction . If the conditions are difficult to understand that the borrower may pay exorbitant loan origination, settlement and maintenance costs.

There may be a dozen or more such charges in a variety of names calling services that have been made on behalf of the borrower. These are often called junk fees. It costs more than 4.5% of the loan amount is usually too much. Some scams have involved a cost of 20.10% or more of the loan amount.

Prepayment penalties can lock borrowers into unreasonable loans to abuse, which can not be easily re-financing when credit scores improve. Prepayment penalties can be tens of thousands of dollars and carried out in a year on loan. The reason for this is to stop the final solution is a highly profitable loans. In fact, most lenders do not charge prepayment penalties, or, if they do, only in the early years of the loan. Borrowers should always be as careful as possible when choosing a lender, and be sure to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if the bank has reason to believe that the creditor to practice any form of predatory lending.

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